Timetables and schedules for the Turku Pride 2024 demonstration:

Schedule for the demonstration 31.8.:

11:00 Forming of the parade begins at Vanha Suurtori

12:00 The parade starts towars Puolalanpuisto

13-16:00 Parkfest part of the demonstration

Schedule for speeches at the park:

13:30 Turku Pride ry chair Rita Pöllänen

14:00 Mayor Minna Arve

14:30 TuSeta chair Kirsi Mikkonen  14:35 Afterparty organizers (BDSM-association Turun Baletti ry & Turun seudun Mummolaakso ry & TuSeta ry)

14:50 Turku Pride ry:n founder Laura Pohjola & Roosa Laaksonen 

15:15 Sumud representant Lina Jarallah 

16:00 End

Program in the park:

  • Facepainting: Stop by the info-tent in the park to get your face painted! You can choose from different glitters and flags.
  • Sexual therapist’s- station: At the sexual therapist’s station you can find sexual therapists and discuss different topics with them! You can also find many broschures about sexual health and other topics, condoms, and oral sex protection.
  • Hug-parents: You can find our hug-parents in the park! They are Turku Pride volunteers that you can ask for a hug if you need one <3
  • Hug-‘Berns’: In the park you can also find the ‘hug-berns’, that are the cutest and kindest dogs you can find, and pet them!
  • Poledancing: Rock the Pole Turku will make you dance at the park! Find the station in the park and try different tricks on the pole, or simply watch the instructors do them! This station will be held only if the weather allows it.

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