Pride flags will be waving in Turku again in August 2023!


Turku Pride -week: 21.-27.8.2023
Pride-parade: 26.8.2023
Celebration after the parade at Puolalanpuisto
Instagram: @turkupride
On matters concerning sponsorship, contact: sponsorointi(at)

Kuvituskuva: KeskellĂ€ Turku Priden logo, jossa teksti ”Turku Pride” ja sen ylĂ€puolella kuva, jossa yksinkertaisesti piirretty polku ja puita sateenkaaren eri vĂ€reissĂ€. Logon alapuolella pĂ€ivĂ€mÀÀrĂ€ 26.8.2023. Logon ja pĂ€ivĂ€mÀÀrĂ€n molemmilla puolilla on kĂ€det. Ylempi kĂ€si on vaalea, kynnet trans-lipun vĂ€reissĂ€ (vaaleanpunainen, valkoinen, vaaleansininen), ranteessa rannekoru, jossa eibinÀÀrien pride-lipun vĂ€rit (keltainen, valkoinen, lila ja musta). Alla oleva kĂ€si on tummempi, keskisormessa musta aseksuaaleille ominainen sormus ja kynsissĂ€ sateenkaaren sĂ€vyjĂ€ (punainen, keltainen, vihreĂ€, sininen)

Experienced as well as new members of the Turku Pride board have put on their thinking caps for this year’s Turku Pride event. Pride week will thusly be celebrated on August 21-27. Both the march for Rainbow people’s rights as well as the Park-party at Puolala Park, bursting with diversity and equality, will take place at the designated time on Saturday, August 26, the last weekend of August.

In addition to the members of the board, this year’s Turku Pride will also be made possible by volunteers, sponsors as well as partners, and of course all participants of the event! As usual, the week in which the event takes place will be filled with a varied programme arranged by various actors. Information regarding this year’s programme will be published as the plans become clearer.

The route of the parade will be published at a later date.

Information will primarily be communicated via the Instagram-account @Turkupride, come and follow us there!

On matters concerning sponsorship, contact: sponsorointi(at)
On other matters: hallitus(at)

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